(Source) – Research by David Blanchett and Paul Kaplan of Morningstar, Alpha, Beta, and Now . . .  Gamma, has attempted to quantify into real numbers the value that financial planners can provide.  Their research shows that financial planners help individuals generate roughly 1.82% excess return each year, creating roughly 29% higher retirement income wealth.  This means even if an adviser is charging a 1% fee a year for the management of retirement assets, the financial advice still has a huge impact on generating additional retirement income. Click here for the entire article. 

Our take: This research showcases the tremendous value that a financial planner can bring to an individual’s retirement. According to this study, if an individual is on track to earn $50,000 per year in retirement, they may be able to increase this amount to $64,500 per year by working with a financial planner throughout their career. Find out how we can help you with your retirement, by contacting us at [email protected].



IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE: Results may vary. Lighthouse Capital, LLC did not participate in this research study performed by Morningstar, Inc..